Posts by sadie

A Notion for Notion

Planning is hard. You grow up and are told to know what you want to do. Even with dreams and goals, how do you even achieve them?

Death of a Copywriter.

You may think that title sounds familiar, with a nod to “Death of a Salesman”. If you didn’t have to...

When Nostalgia Becomes Motivation

When was the last time you went through you old boxes with memories in them? When did was the last time you looked back at those items and thought, wow.

New job, New Brain, Who Dis?

Working everyday all day in a creative field can be extremely taxing.

What happens when your dreams come true?

A gallery for students, it can happen, and it did!

When it’s time to move on.

Change can be paralyzing. Yet, what makes someone look and go.. gosh, I need to move on.

Dust off the cobwebs… It’s time to present

Whelp, it finally happened. We are back back back again to presenting. One thing I know about myself is I...

Do Something That Scares You

Besides the whole world being a bit scary right now, it’s a saying to “Do one thing a day that scares you”

How to Keep Creative in Quarantine

But now that everyday is essentially the same, how can you be creative at work and at home, when you work at home and home at work?

Working from home: The struggle is real

Working from home: The struggle is real

But what does it really look like for a graphic designer to work from home?

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